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Bruce A. Yankner, M.D., Ph.D.

Professor of Genetics
Impaired neural stress resistance and loss of REST in bipolar disorder.
Authors: Authors: Meyer K, Ling KH, Yeo PL, Spathopoulou A, Drake D, Choi J, Aron L, Garcia-Corral M, Ko T, Lee EA, Tam JM, Perlis RH, Church GM, Tsai LH, Yankner BA.
Mol Psychiatry
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A neurodegeneration checkpoint mediated by REST protects against the onset of Alzheimer's disease.
Authors: Authors: Aron L, Qiu C, Ngian ZK, Liang M, Drake D, Choi J, Fernandez MA, Roche P, Bunting EL, Lacey EK, Hamplova SE, Yuan M, Wolfe MS, Bennett DA, Lee EA, Yankner BA.
Nat Commun
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Neuronal C/EBPß/AEP pathway shortens life span via selective GABAnergic neuronal degeneration by FOXO repression.
Authors: Authors: Xia Y, Qadota H, Wang ZH, Liu P, Liu X, Ye KX, Matheny CJ, Berglund K, Yu SP, Drake D, Bennett DA, Wang XC, Yankner BA, Benian GM, Ye K.
Sci Adv
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The adaptive aging brain.
Authors: Authors: Aron L, Zullo J, Yankner BA.
Curr Opin Neurobiol
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Barcoded oligonucleotides ligated on RNA amplified for multiplexed and parallel in situ analyses.
Authors: Authors: Liu S, Punthambaker S, Iyer EPR, Ferrante T, Goodwin D, Fürth D, Pawlowski AC, Jindal K, Tam JM, Mifflin L, Alon S, Sinha A, Wassie AT, Chen F, Cheng A, Willocq V, Meyer K, Ling KH, Camplisson CK, Kohman RE, Aach J, Lee JH, Yankner BA, Boyden ES, Church GM.
Nucleic Acids Res
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REST and Stress Resistance in the Aging Kidney.
Authors: Authors: Magassa S, Aron L, Hoguin C, Isnard P, Terzi F, Legendre C, Yankner BA, Canaud G.
J Am Soc Nephrol
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Regulation of lifespan by neural excitation and REST.
Authors: Authors: Zullo JM, Drake D, Aron L, O'Hern P, Dhamne SC, Davidsohn N, Mao CA, Klein WH, Rotenberg A, Bennett DA, Church GM, Colaiácovo MP, Yankner BA.
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REST and Neural Gene Network Dysregulation in iPSC Models of Alzheimer's Disease.
Authors: Authors: Meyer K, Feldman HM, Lu T, Drake D, Lim ET, Ling KH, Bishop NA, Pan Y, Seo J, Lin YT, Su SC, Church GM, Tsai LH, Yankner BA.
Cell Rep
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TBK1 Suppresses RIPK1-Driven Apoptosis and Inflammation during Development and in Aging.
Authors: Authors: Xu D, Jin T, Zhu H, Chen H, Ofengeim D, Zou C, Mifflin L, Pan L, Amin P, Li W, Shan B, Naito MG, Meng H, Li Y, Pan H, Aron L, Adiconis X, Levin JZ, Yankner BA, Yuan J.
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APOE4 Causes Widespread Molecular and Cellular Alterations Associated with Alzheimer's Disease Phenotypes in Human iPSC-Derived Brain Cell Types.
Authors: Authors: Lin YT, Seo J, Gao F, Feldman HM, Wen HL, Penney J, Cam HP, Gjoneska E, Raja WK, Cheng J, Rueda R, Kritskiy O, Abdurrob F, Peng Z, Milo B, Yu CJ, Elmsaouri S, Dey D, Ko T, Yankner BA, Tsai LH.
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