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Clifford J. Tabin, Ph.D.

George Jacob and Jacqueline Hazel Leder Professor of Genetics
Antagonists of Wnt and BMP signaling promote the formation of vertebrate head muscle.
Authors: Authors: Tzahor E, Kempf H, Mootoosamy RC, Poon AC, Abzhanov A, Tabin CJ, Dietrich S, Lassar AB.
Genes Dev
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A Tcf4-positive mesodermal population provides a prepattern for vertebrate limb muscle patterning.
Authors: Authors: Kardon G, Harfe BD, Tabin CJ.
Dev Cell
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Dissimilar regulation of cell differentiation in mesencephalic (cranial) and sacral (trunk) neural crest cells in vitro.
Authors: Authors: Abzhanov A, Tzahor E, Lassar AB, Tabin CJ.
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Wnt signaling during development of the gastrointestinal tract.
Authors: Authors: Theodosiou NA, Tabin CJ.
Dev Biol
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Deconstructing phosphatases in limb development.
Authors: Authors: Dudley AT, Tabin CJ.
Nat Cell Biol
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Tbx5 is required for forelimb bud formation and continued outgrowth.
Authors: Authors: Rallis C, Bruneau BG, Del Buono J, Seidman CE, Seidman JG, Nissim S, Tabin CJ, Logan MP.
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A somitic compartment of tendon progenitors.
Authors: Authors: Brent AE, Schweitzer R, Tabin CJ.
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A two-cilia model for vertebrate left-right axis specification.
Authors: Authors: Tabin CJ, Vogan KJ.
Genes Dev
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Developmental roles and clinical significance of hedgehog signaling.
Authors: Authors: McMahon AP, Ingham PW, Tabin CJ.
Curr Top Dev Biol
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Developmental regulation of somite derivatives: muscle, cartilage and tendon.
Authors: Authors: Brent AE, Tabin CJ.
Curr Opin Genet Dev
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