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Clifford J. Tabin, Ph.D.

George Jacob and Jacqueline Hazel Leder Professor of Genetics
Conservation in hedgehog signaling: induction of a chicken patched homolog by Sonic hedgehog in the developing limb.
Authors: Authors: Marigo V, Scott MP, Johnson RL, Goodrich LV, Tabin CJ.
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Sonic hedgehog regulates patterning in early embryos.
Authors: Authors: Marigo V, Laufer E, Nelson CE, Riddle RD, Johnson RL, Tabin C.
Biochem Soc Symp
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Induction of the LIM homeobox gene Lmx1 by WNT7a establishes dorsoventral pattern in the vertebrate limb.
Authors: Authors: Riddle RD, Ensini M, Nelson C, Tsuchida T, Jessell TM, Tabin C.
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Sonic hedgehog is an endodermal signal inducing Bmp-4 and Hox genes during induction and regionalization of the chick hindgut.
Authors: Authors: Roberts DJ, Johnson RL, Burke AC, Nelson CE, Morgan BA, Tabin C.
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A molecular pathway determining left-right asymmetry in chick embryogenesis.
Authors: Authors: Levin M, Johnson RL, Stern CD, Kuehn M, Tabin C.
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Polydactylous limbs in Strong's Luxoid mice result from ectopic polarizing activity.
Authors: Authors: Chan DC, Laufer E, Tabin C, Leder P.
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Footnote on limb evolution.
Authors: Authors: Nelson CE, Tabin C.
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The long and short of hedgehog signaling.
Authors: Authors: Johnson RL, Tabin C.
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The initiation of the limb bud: growth factors, Hox genes, and retinoids.
Authors: Authors: Tabin C.
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Hox genes and the evolution of vertebrate axial morphology.
Authors: Authors: Burke AC, Nelson CE, Morgan BA, Tabin C.
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