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Clifford J. Tabin, Ph.D.

George Jacob and Jacqueline Hazel Leder Professor of Genetics
Analysis of viral and somatic activations of the cHa-ras gene.
Authors: Authors: Tabin CJ, Weinberg RA.
J Virol
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Cloning and analysis of reverse transcript P160 genomes of Abelson murine leukemia virus.
Authors: Authors: Latt SA, Goff SP, Tabin CJ, Paskind M, Wang JY, Baltimore D.
J Virol
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Mechanism of activation of a human oncogene.
Authors: Authors: Tabin CJ, Bradley SM, Bargmann CI, Weinberg RA, Papageorge AG, Scolnick EM, Dhar R, Lowy DR, Chang EH.
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DNA methylation affecting the expression of murine leukemia proviruses.
Authors: Authors: Hoffmann JW, Steffen D, Gusella J, Tabin C, Bird S, Cowing D, Weinberg RA.
J Virol
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Human EJ bladder carcinoma oncogene is homologue of Harvey sarcoma virus ras gene.
Authors: Authors: Parada LF, Tabin CJ, Shih C, Weinberg RA.
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Adaptation of a retrovirus as a eucaryotic vector transmitting the herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase gene.
Authors: Authors: Tabin CJ, Hoffmann JW, Goff SP, Weinberg RA.
Mol Cell Biol
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Transfection of fibroblasts by cloned Abelson murine leukemia virus DNA and recovery of transmissible virus by recombination with helper virus.
Authors: Authors: Goff SP, Tabin CJ, Wang JY, Weinberg R, Baltimore D.
J Virol
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