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Clifford J. Tabin, Ph.D.

George Jacob and Jacqueline Hazel Leder Professor of Genetics
In ovo application of antagomiRs indicates a role for miR-196 in patterning the chick axial skeleton through Hox gene regulation.
Authors: Authors: McGlinn E, Yekta S, Mansfield JH, Soutschek J, Bartel DP, Tabin CJ.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
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Temporomandibular joint formation requires two distinct hedgehog-dependent steps.
Authors: Authors: Purcell P, Joo BW, Hu JK, Tran PV, Calicchio ML, O'Connell DJ, Maas RL, Tabin CJ.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
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A reevaluation of X-irradiation-induced phocomelia and proximodistal limb patterning.
Authors: Authors: Galloway JL, Delgado I, Ros MA, Tabin CJ.
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Achieving bilateral symmetry during vertebrate limb development.
Authors: Authors: Allard P, Tabin CJ.
Semin Cell Dev Biol
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Cell movements at Hensen's node establish left/right asymmetric gene expression in the chick.
Authors: Authors: Gros J, Feistel K, Viebahn C, Blum M, Tabin CJ.
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Genome-wide expression analysis of intra- and extraarticular connective tissue.
Authors: Authors: Pearse RV, Esshaki D, Tabin CJ, Murray MM.
J Orthop Res
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Fgf-dependent Etv4/5 activity is required for posterior restriction of Sonic Hedgehog and promoting outgrowth of the vertebrate limb.
Authors: Authors: Mao J, McGlinn E, Huang P, Tabin CJ, McMahon AP.
Dev Cell
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Deep homology and the origins of evolutionary novelty.
Authors: Authors: Shubin N, Tabin C, Carroll S.
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Limb regeneration revisited.
Authors: Authors: Whited JL, Tabin CJ.
J Biol
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A novel role for Mc1r in the parallel evolution of depigmentation in independent populations of the cavefish Astyanax mexicanus.
Authors: Authors: Gross JB, Borowsky R, Tabin CJ.
PLoS Genet
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