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Constance Cepko, Ph.D.

Bullard Professor of Genetics and Neuroscience, Harvard Medical School
Professor of Ophthalmology, Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary
Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Retrovirus-mediated gene transfer of beta-nerve growth factor into mouse pituitary line AtT-20.
Authors: Authors: Wolf D, Richter-Landsberg C, Short MP, Cepko C, Breakefield XO.
Mol Biol Med
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A common progenitor for neurons and glia persists in rat retina late in development.
Authors: Authors: Turner DL, Cepko CL.
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Lineage analysis in the vertebrate nervous system by retrovirus-mediated gene transfer.
Authors: Authors: Price J, Turner D, Cepko C.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
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Retrovirus-mediated transfer of the human glucocerebrosidase gene to Gaucher fibroblasts.
Authors: Authors: Choudary PV, Barranger JA, Tsuji S, Mayor J, LaMarca ME, Cepko CL, Mulligan RC, Ginns EI.
Mol Biol Med
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Recombinant retroviruses encoding simian virus 40 large T antigen and polyomavirus large and middle T antigens.
Authors: Authors: Jat PS, Cepko CL, Mulligan RC, Sharp PA.
Mol Cell Biol
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Individual adenovirus type 5 early region 1A gene products elicit distinct alterations of cellular morphology and gene expression.
Authors: Authors: Roberts BE, Miller JS, Kimelman D, Cepko CL, Lemischka IR, Mulligan RC.
J Virol
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Construction and applications of a highly transmissible murine retrovirus shuttle vector.
Authors: Authors: Cepko CL, Roberts BE, Mulligan RC.
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Analysis of Ad5 hexon and 100K ts mutants using conformation-specific monoclonal antibodies.
Authors: Authors: Cepko CL, Sharp PA.
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Aberrant distribution of human adenovirus type 2 late proteins in monkey kidney cells.
Authors: Authors: Cepko CL, Sharp PA.
J Virol
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Expression of chimeric genes in the early region of SV40.
Authors: Authors: Horowitz M, Cepko CL, Sharp PA.
J Mol Appl Genet
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