Gary B. Ruvkun, Ph.D.
Professor of Genetics, Harvard Medical School
Department of Molecular Biology, Massachusetts General Hospital
MUT-14 and SMUT-1 DEAD box RNA helicases have overlapping roles in germline RNAi and endogenous siRNA formation.
Authors: Authors: Phillips CM, Montgomery BE, Breen PC, Roovers EF, Rim YS, Ohsumi TK, Newman MA, van Wolfswinkel JC, Ketting RF, Ruvkun G, Montgomery TA.
Curr Biol
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Curr Biol
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Multiple small RNA pathways regulate the silencing of repeated and foreign genes in C. elegans.
Authors: Authors: Fischer SE, Pan Q, Breen PC, Qi Y, Shi Z, Zhang C, Ruvkun G.
Genes Dev
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Genes Dev
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High-resolution mapping reveals a conserved, widespread, dynamic mRNA methylation program in yeast meiosis.
Authors: Authors: Schwartz S, Agarwala SD, Mumbach MR, Jovanovic M, Mertins P, Shishkin A, Tabach Y, Mikkelsen TS, Satija R, Ruvkun G, Carr SA, Lander ES, Fink GR, Regev A.
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Genetic regulation of Caenorhabditis elegans lysosome related organelle function.
Human disease locus discovery and mapping to molecular pathways through phylogenetic profiling.
Authors: Authors: Tabach Y, Golan T, Hernández-Hernández A, Messer AR, Fukuda T, Kouznetsova A, Liu JG, Lilienthal I, Levy C, Ruvkun G.
Mol Syst Biol
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Mol Syst Biol
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A cytoprotective perspective on longevity regulation.
MXL-3 and HLH-30 transcriptionally link lipolysis and autophagy to nutrient availability.
Radiation resistance of sequencing chips for in situ life detection.
Authors: Authors: Carr CE, Rowedder H, Lui CS, Zlatkovsky I, Papalias CW, Bolander J, Myers JW, Bustillo J, Rothberg JM, Zuber MT, Ruvkun G.
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DAF-16 employs the chromatin remodeller SWI/SNF to promote stress resistance and longevity.
Authors: Authors: Riedel CG, Dowen RH, Lourenco GF, Kirienko NV, Heimbucher T, West JA, Bowman SK, Kingston RE, Dillin A, Asara JM, Ruvkun G.
Nat Cell Biol
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Nat Cell Biol
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