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James Francis Gusella, Ph.D.

Bullard Professor of Neurogenetics in the Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School
Research Staff, Massachusetts General Hospital

My laboratory is focused on understanding nervous system disease using molecular genetic strategies, beginning with human patients and proceeding through in vitro and modeling studies, with the ultimate goal of improving diagnosis, management and treatment.In any given disorder, the research can usually be divided into four sequential stages:

1. Determination of the chromosomal location of a gene defect, susceptibility gene or genetic modifier, usually based on linkage or association studies with polymorphic genetic markers.
2. Identification of the gene responsible for the phenotypic effect based upon its chromosomal location using a variety of genome analysis strategies.
3. Characterization of the mechanism of action based upon analysis of the allelic versions of the culprit gene in man, and in appropriate in vitro or in vivo model systems, including cultured human cells, genetically engineered mice, and lower organisms such as Drosophila and Dictyostelium.
4. Exploration of the potential for rational therapies, including genetic therapies.

We are currently searching for susceptibility and modifier genes in autism, Parkinson's disease, and Huntington's disease. As part of the Developmental Genome Anatomy Project, we also identify genes at breakpoints of balanced translocations associated with developmental abnormality. Finally we are examining the mechanism of pathogenesis of genetic defects in autism, biotin-responsive basal ganglia disease, Huntington's disease, Parkinson's disease, and neurofibromatosis, and pursuing assays to identify genetic and chemical modifiers, with the ultimate goal of contributing to effective rational therapies.

Regulation of mTOR complex 2 signaling in neurofibromatosis 2-deficient target cell types.
Authors: Authors: James MF, Stivison E, Beauchamp R, Han S, Li H, Wallace MR, Gusella JF, Stemmer-Rachamimov AO, Ramesh V.
Mol Cancer Res
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Prevalence of Huntington's disease gene CAG repeat alleles in sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients.
Authors: Authors: Ramos EM, Keagle P, Gillis T, Lowe P, Mysore JS, Leclerc AL, Ratti A, Ticozzi N, Gellera C, Gusella JF, Silani V, Alonso I, Brown RH, MacDonald ME, Landers JE.
Amyotroph Lateral Scler
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An evolutionary recent neuroepithelial cell adhesion function of huntingtin implicates ADAM10-Ncadherin.
Authors: Authors: Lo Sardo V, Zuccato C, Gaudenzi G, Vitali B, Ramos C, Tartari M, Myre MA, Walker JA, Pistocchi A, Conti L, Valenza M, Drung B, Schmidt B, Gusella J, Zeitlin S, Cotelli F, Cattaneo E.
Nat Neurosci
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Sequencing chromosomal abnormalities reveals neurodevelopmental loci that confer risk across diagnostic boundaries.
Authors: Authors: Talkowski ME, Rosenfeld JA, Blumenthal I, Pillalamarri V, Chiang C, Heilbut A, Ernst C, Hanscom C, Rossin E, Lindgren AM, Pereira S, Ruderfer D, Kirby A, Ripke S, Harris DJ, Lee JH, Ha K, Kim HG, Solomon BD, Gropman AL, Lucente D, Sims K, Ohsumi TK, Borowsky ML, Loranger S, Quade B, Lage K, Miles J, Wu BL, Shen Y, Neale B, Shaffer LG, Daly MJ, Morton CC, Gusella JF.
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Role of common and rare APP DNA sequence variants in Alzheimer disease.
Authors: Authors: Hooli BV, Mohapatra G, Mattheisen M, Parrado AR, Roehr JT, Shen Y, Gusella JF, Moir R, Saunders AJ, Lange C, Tanzi RE, Bertram L.
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Haploinsufficiency of SOX5 at 12p12.1 is associated with developmental delays with prominent language delay, behavior problems, and mild dysmorphic features.
Authors: Authors: Lamb AN, Rosenfeld JA, Neill NJ, Talkowski ME, Blumenthal I, Girirajan S, Keelean-Fuller D, Fan Z, Pouncey J, Stevens C, Mackay-Loder L, Terespolsky D, Bader PI, Rosenbaum K, Vallee SE, Moeschler JB, Ladda R, Sell S, Martin J, Ryan S, Jones MC, Moran R, Shealy A, Madan-Khetarpal S, McConnell J, Surti U, Delahaye A, Heron-Longe B, Pipiras E, Benzacken B, Passemard S, Verloes A, Isidor B, Le Caignec C, Glew GM, Opheim KE, Descartes M, Eichler EE, Morton CC, Gusella JF, Schultz RA, Ballif BC, Shaffer LG.
Hum Mutat
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Common SNP-based haplotype analysis of the 4p16.3 Huntington disease gene region.
Authors: Authors: Lee JM, Gillis T, Mysore JS, Ramos EM, Myers RH, Hayden MR, Morrison PJ, Nance M, Ross CA, Margolis RL, Squitieri F, Griguoli A, Di Donato S, Gomez-Tortosa E, Ayuso C, Suchowersky O, Trent RJ, McCusker E, Novelletto A, Frontali M, Jones R, Ashizawa T, Frank S, Saint-Hilaire MH, Hersch SM, Rosas HD, Lucente D, Harrison MB, Zanko A, Abramson RK, Marder K, Sequeiros J, MacDonald ME, Gusella JF.
Am J Hum Genet
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CAG repeat expansion in Huntington disease determines age at onset in a fully dominant fashion.
Authors: Authors: Lee JM, Ramos EM, Lee JH, Gillis T, Mysore JS, Hayden MR, Warby SC, Morrison P, Nance M, Ross CA, Margolis RL, Squitieri F, Orobello S, Di Donato S, Gomez-Tortosa E, Ayuso C, Suchowersky O, Trent RJ, McCusker E, Novelletto A, Frontali M, Jones R, Ashizawa T, Frank S, Saint-Hilaire MH, Hersch SM, Rosas HD, Lucente D, Harrison MB, Zanko A, Abramson RK, Marder K, Sequeiros J, Paulsen JS, Landwehrmeyer GB, Myers RH, MacDonald ME, Gusella JF.
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Complex reorganization and predominant non-homologous repair following chromosomal breakage in karyotypically balanced germline rearrangements and transgenic integration.
Authors: Authors: Chiang C, Jacobsen JC, Ernst C, Hanscom C, Heilbut A, Blumenthal I, Mills RE, Kirby A, Lindgren AM, Rudiger SR, McLaughlan CJ, Bawden CS, Reid SJ, Faull RL, Snell RG, Hall IM, Shen Y, Ohsumi TK, Borowsky ML, Daly MJ, Lee C, Morton CC, MacDonald ME, Gusella JF, Talkowski ME.
Nat Genet
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The cell adhesion gene PVRL3 is associated with congenital ocular defects.
Authors: Authors: Lachke SA, Higgins AW, Inagaki M, Saadi I, Xi Q, Long M, Quade BJ, Talkowski ME, Gusella JF, Fujimoto A, Robinson ML, Yang Y, Duong QT, Shapira I, Motro B, Miyoshi J, Takai Y, Morton CC, Maas RL.
Hum Genet
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