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James Francis Gusella, Ph.D.

Bullard Professor of Neurogenetics in the Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School
Research Staff, Massachusetts General Hospital

My laboratory is focused on understanding nervous system disease using molecular genetic strategies, beginning with human patients and proceeding through in vitro and modeling studies, with the ultimate goal of improving diagnosis, management and treatment.In any given disorder, the research can usually be divided into four sequential stages:

1. Determination of the chromosomal location of a gene defect, susceptibility gene or genetic modifier, usually based on linkage or association studies with polymorphic genetic markers.
2. Identification of the gene responsible for the phenotypic effect based upon its chromosomal location using a variety of genome analysis strategies.
3. Characterization of the mechanism of action based upon analysis of the allelic versions of the culprit gene in man, and in appropriate in vitro or in vivo model systems, including cultured human cells, genetically engineered mice, and lower organisms such as Drosophila and Dictyostelium.
4. Exploration of the potential for rational therapies, including genetic therapies.

We are currently searching for susceptibility and modifier genes in autism, Parkinson's disease, and Huntington's disease. As part of the Developmental Genome Anatomy Project, we also identify genes at breakpoints of balanced translocations associated with developmental abnormality. Finally we are examining the mechanism of pathogenesis of genetic defects in autism, biotin-responsive basal ganglia disease, Huntington's disease, Parkinson's disease, and neurofibromatosis, and pursuing assays to identify genetic and chemical modifiers, with the ultimate goal of contributing to effective rational therapies.

Opposing Tumor-Promoting and -Suppressive Functions of Rictor/mTORC2 Signaling in Adult Glioma and Pediatric SHH Medulloblastoma.
Authors: Authors: Akgül S, Li Y, Zheng S, Kool M, Treisman DM, Li C, Wang Y, Gröbner S, Ikenoue T, Shen Y, Camelo-Piragua S, Tomasek G, Stark S, Guduguntla V, Gusella JF, Guan KL, Pfister SM, Verhaak RGW, Zhu Y.
Cell Rep
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Population-specific genetic modification of Huntington's disease in Venezuela.
Authors: Authors: Chao MJ, Kim KH, Shin JW, Lucente D, Wheeler VC, Li H, Roach JC, Hood L, Wexler NS, Jardim LB, Holmans P, Jones L, Orth M, Kwak S, MacDonald ME, Gusella JF, Lee JM.
PLoS Genet
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Pain correlates with germline mutation in schwannomatosis.
Authors: Authors: Jordan JT, Smith MJ, Walker JA, Erdin S, Talkowski ME, Merker VL, Ramesh V, Cai W, Harris GJ, Bredella MA, Seijo M, Suuberg A, Gusella JF, Plotkin SR.
Medicine (Baltimore)
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Traditional and systems biology based drug discovery for the rare tumor syndrome neurofibromatosis type 2.
Authors: Authors: Allaway R, Angus SP, Beauchamp RL, Blakeley JO, Bott M, Burns SS, Carlstedt A, Chang LS, Chen X, Clapp DW, Desouza PA, Erdin S, Fernandez-Valle C, Guinney J, Gusella JF, Haggarty SJ, Johnson GL, La Rosa S, Morrison H, Petrilli AM, Plotkin SR, Pratap A, Ramesh V, Sciaky N, Stemmer-Rachamimov A, Stuhlmiller TJ, Talkowski ME, Welling DB, Yates CW, Zawistowski JS, Zhao WN.
PLoS One
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Brain urea increase is an early Huntington's disease pathogenic event observed in a prodromal transgenic sheep model and HD cases.
Authors: Authors: Handley RR, Reid SJ, Brauning R, Maclean P, Mears ER, Fourie I, Patassini S, Cooper GJS, Rudiger SR, McLaughlan CJ, Verma PJ, Gusella JF, MacDonald ME, Waldvogel HJ, Bawden CS, Faull RLM, Snell RG.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
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Haplotype-based stratification of Huntington's disease.
Authors: Authors: Chao MJ, Gillis T, Atwal RS, Mysore JS, Arjomand J, Harold D, Holmans P, Jones L, Orth M, Myers RH, Kwak S, Wheeler VC, MacDonald ME, Gusella JF, Lee JM.
Eur J Hum Genet
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Inhibition of p25/Cdk5 Attenuates Tauopathy in Mouse and iPSC Models of Frontotemporal Dementia.
Authors: Authors: Seo J, Kritskiy O, Watson LA, Barker SJ, Dey D, Raja WK, Lin YT, Ko T, Cho S, Penney J, Silva MC, Sheridan SD, Lucente D, Gusella JF, Dickerson BC, Haggarty SJ, Tsai LH.
J Neurosci
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A modifier of Huntington's disease onset at the MLH1 locus.
Authors: Authors: Lee JM, Chao MJ, Harold D, Abu Elneel K, Gillis T, Holmans P, Jones L, Orth M, Myers RH, Kwak S, Wheeler VC, MacDonald ME, Gusella JF.
Hum Mol Genet
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A novel microduplication of ARID1B: Clinical, genetic, and proteomic findings.
Authors: Authors: Seabra CM, Szoko N, Erdin S, Ragavendran A, Stortchevoi A, Maciel P, Lundberg K, Schlatzer D, Smith J, Talkowski ME, Gusella JF, Natowicz MR.
Am J Med Genet A
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WNT/ß-Catenin Pathway and Epigenetic Mechanisms Regulate the Pitt-Hopkins Syndrome and Schizophrenia Risk Gene TCF4.
Authors: Authors: Hennig KM, Fass DM, Zhao WN, Sheridan SD, Fu T, Erdin S, Stortchevoi A, Lucente D, Cody JD, Sweetser D, Gusella JF, Talkowski ME, Haggarty SJ.
Mol Neuropsychiatry
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