Jeannie T. Lee, M.D., Ph.D.
Phillip A. Sharp Chair in Molecular Biology, Massachusetts General Hospital
Vice Chair of the Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School
Professor of Genetics and Pathology, Harvard Medical School
Gracefully ageing at 50, X-chromosome inactivation becomes a paradigm for RNA and chromatin control.
A boundary element between Tsix and Xist binds the chromatin insulator Ctcf and contributes to initiation of X-chromosome inactivation.
Authors: Authors: Spencer RJ, del Rosario BC, Pinter SF, Lessing D, Sadreyev RI, Lee JT.
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Tsx produces a long noncoding RNA and has general functions in the germline, stem cells, and brain.
Authors: Authors: Anguera MC, Ma W, Clift D, Namekawa S, Kelleher RJ, Lee JT.
PLoS Genet
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PLoS Genet
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X-inactivation and X-reactivation: epigenetic hallmarks of mammalian reproduction and pluripotent stem cells.
YY1 tethers Xist RNA to the inactive X nucleation center.
X-chromosome epigenetic reprogramming in pluripotent stem cells via noncoding genes.
Authors: Authors: Kim DH, Jeon Y, Anguera MC, Lee JT.
Semin Cell Dev Biol
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Semin Cell Dev Biol
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Detection of nascent RNA, single-copy DNA and protein localization by immunoFISH in mouse germ cells and preimplantation embryos.
Genome-wide identification of polycomb-associated RNAs by RIP-seq.
Authors: Authors: Zhao J, Ohsumi TK, Kung JT, Ogawa Y, Grau DJ, Sarma K, Song JJ, Kingston RE, Borowsky M, Lee JT.
Mol Cell
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Mol Cell
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Locked nucleic acids (LNAs) reveal sequence requirements and kinetics of Xist RNA localization to the X chromosome.
Authors: Authors: Sarma K, Levasseur P, Aristarkhov A, Lee JT.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
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Mice lacking Alkbh1 display sex-ratio distortion and unilateral eye defects.
Authors: Authors: Nordstrand LM, Svärd J, Larsen E, Nilsen A, Ougland R, Furu K, Lien GF, Rognes T, Namekawa SH, Lee JT, Klungland A.
PLoS One
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PLoS One
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