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Joel Naom Hirschhorn, M.D., Ph.D.

Chief of the Division of Endocrinology, Boston Children's Hospital
Concordia Professor of Pediatrics and Professor of Genetics, Harvard Medical School.
Common genetic variation in five thrombosis genes and relations to plasma hemostatic protein level and cardiovascular disease risk.
Authors: Authors: Kathiresan S, Yang Q, Larson MG, Camargo AL, Tofler GH, Hirschhorn JN, Gabriel SB, O'Donnell CJ.
Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol
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A common genetic variant in the NOS1 regulator NOS1AP modulates cardiac repolarization.
Authors: Authors: Arking DE, Pfeufer A, Post W, Kao WH, Newton-Cheh C, Ikeda M, West K, Kashuk C, Akyol M, Perz S, Jalilzadeh S, Illig T, Gieger C, Guo CY, Larson MG, Wichmann HE, Marbán E, O'Donnell CJ, Hirschhorn JN, Kääb S, Spooner PM, Meitinger T, Chakravarti A.
Nat Genet
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Phenotype-genotype association grid: a convenient method for summarizing multiple association analyses.
Authors: Authors: Levy D, DePalma SR, Benjamin EJ, O'Donnell CJ, Parise H, Hirschhorn JN, Vasan RS, Izumo S, Larson MG.
BMC Genet
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A common genetic variant is associated with adult and childhood obesity.
Authors: Authors: Herbert A, Gerry NP, McQueen MB, Heid IM, Pfeufer A, Illig T, Wichmann HE, Meitinger T, Hunter D, Hu FB, Colditz G, Hinney A, Hebebrand J, Koberwitz K, Zhu X, Cooper R, Ardlie K, Lyon H, Hirschhorn JN, Laird NM, Lenburg ME, Lange C, Christman MF.
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Contribution of clinical correlates and 13 C-reactive protein gene polymorphisms to interindividual variability in serum C-reactive protein level.
Authors: Authors: Kathiresan S, Larson MG, Vasan RS, Guo CY, Gona P, Keaney JF, Wilson PW, Newton-Cheh C, Musone SL, Camargo AL, Drake JA, Levy D, O'Donnell CJ, Hirschhorn JN, Benjamin EJ.
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Haplotype structures and large-scale association testing of the 5' AMP-activated protein kinase genes PRKAA2, PRKAB1, and PRKAB2 [corrected] with type 2 diabetes.
Authors: Authors: Sun MW, Lee JY, de Bakker PI, Burtt NP, Almgren P, Råstam L, Tuomi T, Gaudet D, Daly MJ, Hirschhorn JN, Altshuler D, Groop L, Florez JC.
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Haplotype analysis of the HSD17B1 gene and risk of breast cancer: a comprehensive approach to multicenter analyses of prospective cohort studies.
Authors: Authors: Feigelson HS, Cox DG, Cann HM, Wacholder S, Kaaks R, Henderson BE, Albanes D, Altshuler D, Berglund G, Berrino F, Bingham S, Buring JE, Burtt NP, Calle EE, Chanock SJ, Clavel-Chapelon F, Colditz G, Diver WR, Freedman ML, Haiman CA, Hankinson SE, Hayes RB, Hirschhorn JN, Hunter D, Kolonel LN, Kraft P, LeMarchand L, Linseisen J, Modi W, Navarro C, Peeters PH, Pike MC, Riboli E, Setiawan VW, Stram DO, Thomas G, Thun MJ, Tjonneland A, Trichopoulos D.
Cancer Res
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Conserved noncoding sequences are selectively constrained and not mutation cold spots.
Authors: Authors: Drake JA, Bird C, Nemesh J, Thomas DJ, Newton-Cheh C, Reymond A, Excoffier L, Attar H, Antonarakis SE, Dermitzakis ET, Hirschhorn JN.
Nat Genet
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Common genetic variation in IGF1 and prostate cancer risk in the Multiethnic Cohort.
Authors: Authors: Cheng I, Stram DO, Penney KL, Pike M, Le Marchand L, Kolonel LN, Hirschhorn J, Altshuler D, Henderson BE, Freedman ML.
J Natl Cancer Inst
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Igf-I genetic variation and breast cancer: the multiethnic cohort.
Authors: Authors: Setiawan VW, Cheng I, Stram DO, Penney KL, Le Marchand L, Altshuler D, Kolonel LN, Hirschhorn J, Henderson BE, Freedman ML.
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev
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