Network-based in silico drug efficacy screening.
MECP2 Is a Frequently Amplified Oncogene with a Novel Epigenetic Mechanism That Mimics the Role of Activated RAS in Malignancy.
Authors: Authors: Neupane M, Clark AP, Landini S, Birkbak NJ, Eklund AC, Lim E, Culhane AC, Barry WT, Schumacher SE, Beroukhim R, Szallasi Z, Vidal M, Hill DE, Silver DP.
Cancer Discov
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Cancer Discov
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Global Edgetic Rewiring in Cancer Networks.
A disease module in the interactome explains disease heterogeneity, drug response and captures novel pathways and genes in asthma.
Authors: Authors: Sharma A, Menche J, Huang CC, Ort T, Zhou X, Kitsak M, Sahni N, Thibault D, Voung L, Guo F, Ghiassian SD, Gulbahce N, Baribaud F, Tocker J, Dobrin R, Barnathan E, Liu H, Panettieri RA, Tantisira KG, Qiu W, Raby BA, Silverman EK, Vidal M, Weiss ST, Barabási AL.
Hum Mol Genet
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Hum Mol Genet
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Human gene-centered transcription factor networks for enhancers and disease variants.
Authors: Authors: Fuxman Bass JI, Sahni N, Shrestha S, Garcia-Gonzalez A, Mori A, Bhat N, Yi S, Hill DE, Vidal M, Walhout AJM.
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Widespread macromolecular interaction perturbations in human genetic disorders.
Authors: Authors: Sahni N, Yi S, Taipale M, Fuxman Bass JI, Coulombe-Huntington J, Yang F, Peng J, Weile J, Karras GI, Wang Y, Kovács IA, Kamburov A, Krykbaeva I, Lam MH, Tucker G, Khurana V, Sharma A, Liu YY, Yachie N, Zhong Q, Shen Y, Palagi A, San-Miguel A, Fan C, Balcha D, Dricot A, Jordan DM, Walsh JM, Shah AA, Yang X, Stoyanova AK, Leighton A, Calderwood MA, Jacob Y, Cusick ME, Salehi-Ashtiani K, Whitesell LJ, Sunyaev S, Berger B, Barabási AL, Charloteaux B, Hill DE, Hao T, Roth FP, Xia Y, Walhout AJM, Lindquist S, Vidal M.
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Protein domain-level landscape of cancer-type-specific somatic mutations.
Authors: Authors: Yang F, Petsalaki E, Rolland T, Hill DE, Vidal M, Roth FP.
PLoS Comput Biol
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PLoS Comput Biol
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Disease networks. Uncovering disease-disease relationships through the incomplete interactome.
Authors: Authors: Menche J, Sharma A, Kitsak M, Ghiassian SD, Vidal M, Loscalzo J, Barabási AL.
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Selecting causal genes from genome-wide association studies via functionally coherent subnetworks.
Authors: Authors: Tasan M, Musso G, Hao T, Vidal M, MacRae CA, Roth FP.
Nat Methods
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Nat Methods
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The yeast two-hybrid assay: still finding connections after 25 years.