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Matthew L. Warman, M.D.

Professor of Genetics
An osteocalcin-deficient mouse strain without endocrine abnormalities.
Authors: Authors: Diegel CR, Hann S, Ayturk UM, Hu JCW, Lim KE, Droscha CJ, Madaj ZB, Foxa GE, Izaguirre I, Transgenics Core VVA, Paracha N, Pidhaynyy B, Dowd TL, Robling AG, Warman ML, Williams BO.
PLoS Genet
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Combination therapy in the Col1a2G610C mouse model of Osteogenesis Imperfecta reveals an additive effect of enhancing LRP5 signaling and inhibiting TGFß signaling on trabecular bone but not on cortical bone.
Authors: Authors: Kaupp S, Horan DJ, Lim KE, Feldman HA, Robling AG, Warman ML, Jacobsen CM.
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Unique and non-redundant function of csf1r paralogues in regulation and evolution of post-embryonic development of the zebrafish.
Authors: Authors: Caetano-Lopes J, Henke K, Urso K, Duryea J, Charles JF, Warman ML, Harris MP.
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Proteolysis and cartilage development are activated in the synovium after surgical induction of post traumatic osteoarthritis.
Authors: Authors: Ayturk UM, Sieker JT, Haslauer CM, Proffen BL, Weissenberger MH, Warman ML, Fleming BC, Murray MM.
PLoS One
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Arteriovenous malformation associated with a HRAS mutation.
Authors: Authors: Konczyk DJ, Goss JA, Smits PJ, Huang AY, Al-Ibraheemi A, Sudduth CL, Warman ML, Greene AK.
Hum Genet
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Nosology and classification of genetic skeletal disorders: 2019 revision.
Authors: Authors: Mortier GR, Cohn DH, Cormier-Daire V, Hall C, Krakow D, Mundlos S, Nishimura G, Robertson S, Sangiorgi L, Savarirayan R, Sillence D, Superti-Furga A, Unger S, Warman ML.

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Intramuscular fast-flow vascular anomaly contains somatic MAP2K1 and KRAS mutations.
Authors: Authors: Goss JA, Konczyk DJ, Smits PJ, Kozakewich HPW, Alomari AI, Al-Ibraheemi A, Taghinia AH, Dickie BH, Adams DM, Fishman SJ, Mulliken JB, Warman ML, Greene AK.
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Autosomal-Recessive Mutations in MESD Cause Osteogenesis Imperfecta.
Authors: Authors: Moosa S, Yamamoto GL, Garbes L, Keupp K, Beleza-Meireles A, Moreno CA, Valadares ER, de Sousa SB, Maia S, Saraiva J, Honjo RS, Kim CA, Cabral de Menezes H, Lausch E, Lorini PV, Lamounier A, Carniero TCB, Giunta C, Rohrbach M, Janner M, Semler O, Beleggia F, Li Y, Yigit G, Reintjes N, Altmüller J, Nürnberg P, Cavalcanti DP, Zabel B, Warman ML, Bertola DR, Wollnik B, Netzer C.
Am J Hum Genet
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Expression of a Degradation-Resistant ß-Catenin Mutant in Osteocytes Protects the Skeleton From Mechanodeprivation-Induced Bone Wasting.
Authors: Authors: Bullock WA, Hoggatt AM, Horan DJ, Lewis KJ, Yokota H, Hann S, Warman ML, Sebastian A, Loots GG, Pavalko FM, Robling AG.
J Bone Miner Res
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Gain-of-function mutation of microRNA-140 in human skeletal dysplasia.
Authors: Authors: Grigelioniene G, Suzuki HI, Taylan F, Mirzamohammadi F, Borochowitz ZU, Ayturk UM, Tzur S, Horemuzova E, Lindstrand A, Weis MA, Grigelionis G, Hammarsjö A, Marsk E, Nordgren A, Nordenskjöld M, Eyre DR, Warman ML, Nishimura G, Sharp PA, Kobayashi T.
Nat Med
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