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Matthew L. Warman, M.D.

Professor of Genetics
A normative study of the synovial fluid proteome from healthy porcine knee joints.
Authors: Authors: Bennike T, Ayturk U, Haslauer CM, Froehlich JW, Proffen BL, Barnaby O, Birkelund S, Murray MM, Warman ML, Stensballe A, Steen H.
J Proteome Res
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Targeting the LRP5 pathway improves bone properties in a mouse model of osteogenesis imperfecta.
Authors: Authors: Jacobsen CM, Barber LA, Ayturk UM, Roberts HJ, Deal LE, Schwartz MA, Weis M, Eyre D, Zurakowski D, Robling AG, Warman ML.
J Bone Miner Res
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SHP2 regulates chondrocyte terminal differentiation, growth plate architecture and skeletal cell fates.
Authors: Authors: Bowen ME, Ayturk UM, Kurek KC, Yang W, Warman ML.
PLoS Genet
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PIK3CA activating mutations in facial infiltrating lipomatosis.
Authors: Authors: Maclellan RA, Luks VL, Vivero MP, Mulliken JB, Zurakowski D, Padwa BL, Warman ML, Greene AK, Kurek KC.
Plast Reconstr Surg
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Protective effects of C-type natriuretic peptide on linear growth and articular cartilage integrity in a mouse model of inflammatory arthritis.
Authors: Authors: Bükülmez H, Khan F, Bartels CF, Murakami S, Ortiz-Lopez A, Sattar A, Haqqi TM, Warman ML.
Arthritis Rheumatol
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Sclerostin inhibition reverses skeletal fragility in an Lrp5-deficient mouse model of OPPG syndrome.
Authors: Authors: Kedlaya R, Veera S, Horan DJ, Moss RE, Ayturk UM, Jacobsen CM, Bowen ME, Paszty C, Warman ML, Robling AG.
Sci Transl Med
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An RNA-seq protocol to identify mRNA expression changes in mouse diaphyseal bone: applications in mice with bone property altering Lrp5 mutations.
Authors: Authors: Ayturk UM, Jacobsen CM, Christodoulou DC, Gorham J, Seidman JG, Seidman CE, Robling AG, Warman ML.
J Bone Miner Res
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Autopodial development is selectively impaired by misexpression of chordin-like 1 in the chick limb.
Authors: Authors: Allen JM, McGlinn E, Hill A, Warman ML.
Dev Biol
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Role of lubricin and boundary lubrication in the prevention of chondrocyte apoptosis.
Authors: Authors: Waller KA, Zhang LX, Elsaid KA, Fleming BC, Warman ML, Jay GD.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
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Presphenoidal synchondrosis fusion in DBA/2J mice.
Authors: Authors: Adams A, McBratney-Owen B, Newby B, Bowen ME, Olsen BR, Warman ML.
Mamm Genome
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