Olivier Pourquie headshot

Olivier Pourquie, Ph.D.

Professor of Genetics, Harvard Medical School
Frank Burr Mallory Professor of Pathology, Brigham and Women's Hospital

Olivier Pourquie is Professor in the Department of Genetics at Harvard Medical School and Professor of Pathology at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital. He was the director of the Institute for Genetics and Molecular and Cellular Biology (IGBMC) in France and before that a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator at the Stowers Institute for Medical Research in Kansas City. He graduated as an engineer in France and trained with Nicole Le Douarin. He is the Editor in Chief of the journal Development. He was the Editor in Chief of the journal Development from 2009-2018.

Dr. Pourquie authored more than 100 peer-reviewed publications. He is an elected member of the European Molecular Biology Organization and of the Academia Europea. His work on the segmentation clock that controls the periodicity of vertebrae was recognized as one of the milestones in developmental biology of the 20th century by Nature Magazine. In 2020, he was elected as President of the Society for Developmental Biology, and as a member of the National Academy of Sciences.

Standing Up for Sticklebacks.
Authors: Authors: Pourquié O.
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Future developments: your thoughts and our plans.
Authors: Authors: Pourquié O, Brown K.
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Human development: a Special Issue.
Authors: Authors: Pourquié O.
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Developing peer review.
Authors: Authors: Pourquié O, Brown K.
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Developmental Biology. Managing patterns and proportions over time.
Authors: Authors: Pourquie O.
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More than patterning--Hox genes and the control of posterior axial elongation.
Authors: Authors: Aulehla A, Pourquie O.
Dev Cell
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Genetics. Chicken genome--science nuggets to come soon.
Authors: Authors: Burt D, Pourquie O.
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Welcome to syndetome: a new somitic compartment.
Authors: Authors: Dubrulle J, Pourquie O.
Dev Cell
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Periodic notch inhibition by lunatic fringe underlies the chick segmentation clock.
Authors: Authors: Dale JK, Maroto M, Dequeant ML, Malapert P, McGrew M, Pourquie O.
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Vertebrate segmentation: lunatic transcriptional regulation.
Authors: Authors: Pourquie O.
Curr Biol
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