Raju Kucherlapati, Ph.D.
Paul C. Cabot Professor of Genetics, Harvard Medical School
Genetically modified mouse models for biomarker discovery and preclinical drug testing.
Msh2 acts in medium-spiny striatal neurons as an enhancer of CAG instability and mutant huntingtin phenotypes in Huntington's disease knock-in mice.
Authors: Authors: Kovalenko M, Dragileva E, St Claire J, Gillis T, Guide JR, New J, Dong H, Kucherlapati R, Kucherlapati MH, Ehrlich ME, Lee JM, Wheeler VC.
PLoS One
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PLoS One
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The Creating an Optimal Warfarin Nomogram (CROWN) Study.
Authors: Authors: Perlstein TS, Goldhaber SZ, Nelson K, Joshi V, Morgan TV, Lesko LJ, Lee JY, Gobburu J, Schoenfeld D, Kucherlapati R, Freeman MW, Creager MA.
Thromb Haemost
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Thromb Haemost
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In vivo optical molecular imaging of matrix metalloproteinase activity following celecoxib therapy for colorectal cancer.
Authors: Authors: Sheth RA, Kunin A, Stangenberg L, Sinnamon M, Hung KE, Kucherlapati R, Mahmood U.
Mol Imaging
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Mol Imaging
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Tbx1: identification of a 22q11.2 gene as a risk factor for autism spectrum disorder in a mouse model.
Authors: Authors: Hiramoto T, Kang G, Suzuki G, Satoh Y, Kucherlapati R, Watanabe Y, Hiroi N.
Hum Mol Genet
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Hum Mol Genet
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Impaired lymphatic contraction associated with immunosuppression.
Authors: Authors: Liao S, Cheng G, Conner DA, Huang Y, Kucherlapati RS, Munn LL, Ruddle NH, Jain RK, Fukumura D, Padera TP.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
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Copy number variation detection in whole-genome sequencing data using the Bayesian information criterion.
Authors: Authors: Xi R, Hadjipanayis AG, Luquette LJ, Kim TM, Lee E, Zhang J, Johnson MD, Muzny DM, Wheeler DA, Gibbs RA, Kucherlapati R, Park PJ.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
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Lung cancer signatures in plasma based on proteome profiling of mouse tumor models.
Authors: Authors: Taguchi A, Politi K, Pitteri SJ, Lockwood WW, Faça VM, Kelly-Spratt K, Wong CH, Zhang Q, Chin A, Park KS, Goodman G, Gazdar AF, Sage J, Dinulescu DM, Kucherlapati R, Depinho RA, Kemp CJ, Varmus HE, Hanash SM.
Cancer Cell
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Cancer Cell
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Aspirin and low-dose nitric oxide-donating aspirin increase life span in a Lynch syndrome mouse model.
Authors: Authors: McIlhatton MA, Tyler J, Kerepesi LA, Bocker-Edmonston T, Kucherlapati MH, Edelmann W, Kucherlapati R, Kopelovich L, Fishel R.
Cancer Prev Res (Phila)
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Cancer Prev Res (Phila)
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A novel mouse model of cerebral cavernous malformations based on the two-hit mutation hypothesis recapitulates the human disease.
Authors: Authors: McDonald DA, Shenkar R, Shi C, Stockton RA, Akers AL, Kucherlapati MH, Kucherlapati R, Brainer J, Ginsberg MH, Awad IA, Marchuk DA.
Hum Mol Genet
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Hum Mol Genet
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