Susan Dymecki

Susan M. Dymecki, M.D., Ph.D.

Professor of Genetics, Harvard Medical School
George Fabyan Professor of Genetics in the Field of Comparative Pathology

The Dymecki lab studies how functional modularity arises within the brain serotonergic neuronal system and dynamically controls diverse processes ranging from respiration and thermal balance to emotional mood state to coping behaviors.

Understanding how this fundamental system develops at the molecular, cellular, and functional levels will help illuminate root causes of many brain disorders, paving the way for more targeted therapeutics and effective approaches to clinical conditions such as sudden infant death, major depression, and post-traumatic stress.

Using novel genetic tools for precision neural cell mapping in the mouse brain coupled with genomic, transcriptional, electrophysiological, and behavioral analyses, we examine the developmental specialization of subtypes of serotonin-producing neurons together with their network architecture, circuitry modulation, and selective roles in behavior. We probe how such neuronal diversity is generated and maintained, exploring the extent to which it is genetically programmed versus shaped by experience. Emerging is a neuronal structure-function map of substantial heterogeneity that suggests new ways to conceptualize and design treatments for serotonin-related disorders.

Neurodevelopment. Parasympathetic ganglia derive from Schwann cell precursors.
Authors: Authors: Espinosa-Medina I, Outin E, Picard CA, Chettouh Z, Dymecki S, Consalez GG, Coppola E, Brunet JF.
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Essentials of recombinase-based genetic fate mapping in mice.
Authors: Authors: Jensen P, Dymecki SM.
Methods Mol Biol
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The choroid plexus and cerebrospinal fluid: emerging roles in development, disease, and therapy.
Authors: Authors: Lehtinen MK, Bjornsson CS, Dymecki SM, Gilbertson RJ, Holtzman DM, Monuki ES.
J Neurosci
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Decreased dendritic spine density as a consequence of tetanus toxin light chain expression in single neurons in vivo.
Authors: Authors: Heimer-McGinn V, Murphy AC, Kim JC, Dymecki SM, Young PW.
Neurosci Lett
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Development of brainstem 5-HT1A receptor-binding sites in serotonin-deficient mice.
Authors: Authors: Massey CA, Kim G, Corcoran AE, Haynes RL, Paterson DS, Cummings KJ, Dymecki SM, Richerson GB, Nattie EE, Kinney HC, Commons KG.
J Neurochem
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A Phox2b::FLPo transgenic mouse line suitable for intersectional genetics.
Authors: Authors: Hirsch MR, d'Autréaux F, Dymecki SM, Brunet JF, Goridis C.
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Egr2-neurons control the adult respiratory response to hypercapnia.
Authors: Authors: Ray RS, Corcoran AE, Brust RD, Soriano LP, Nattie EE, Dymecki SM.
Brain Res
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Islet1 derivatives in the heart are of both neural crest and second heart field origin.
Authors: Authors: Engleka KA, Manderfield LJ, Brust RD, Li L, Cohen A, Dymecki SM, Epstein JA.
Circ Res
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Projections and interconnections of genetically defined serotonin neurons in mice.
Authors: Authors: Bang SJ, Jensen P, Dymecki SM, Commons KG.
Eur J Neurosci
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Impaired respiratory and body temperature control upon acute serotonergic neuron inhibition.
Authors: Authors: Ray RS, Corcoran AE, Brust RD, Kim JC, Richerson GB, Nattie E, Dymecki SM.
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