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Brian Seed, Ph.D.

Professor of Genetics
Enhanced Tim3 activity improves survival after influenza infection.
Authors: Authors: Cho JL, Roche MI, Sandall B, Brass AL, Seed B, Xavier RJ, Medoff BD.
J Immunol
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STAT6 phosphorylation inhibitors block eotaxin-3 secretion in bronchial epithelial cells.
Authors: Authors: Zhou L, Kawate T, Liu X, Kim YB, Zhao Y, Feng G, Banerji J, Nash H, Whitehurst C, Jindal S, Siddiqui A, Seed B, Wolfe JL.
Bioorg Med Chem
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PrimerBank: a PCR primer database for quantitative gene expression analysis, 2012 update.
Authors: Authors: Wang X, Spandidos A, Wang H, Seed B.
Nucleic Acids Res
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C-aryl glucosides substituted at the 4'-position as potent and selective renal sodium-dependent glucose co-transporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors for the treatment of type 2 diabetes.
Authors: Authors: Xu B, Feng Y, Cheng H, Song Y, Lv B, Wu Y, Wang C, Li S, Xu M, Du J, Peng K, Dong J, Zhang W, Zhang T, Zhu L, Ding H, Sheng Z, Welihinda A, Roberge JY, Seed B, Chen Y.
Bioorg Med Chem Lett
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EGT1442, a potent and selective SGLT2 inhibitor, attenuates blood glucose and HbA(1c) levels in db/db mice and prolongs the survival of stroke-prone rats.
Authors: Authors: Zhang W, Welihinda A, Mechanic J, Ding H, Zhu L, Lu Y, Deng Z, Sheng Z, Lv B, Chen Y, Roberge JY, Seed B, Wang YX.
Pharmacol Res
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Phosphoprotein associated with glycosphingolipid-enriched microdomains differentially modulates SRC kinase activity in brain maturation.
Authors: Authors: Lindquist S, Karitkina D, Langnaese K, Posevitz-Fejfar A, Schraven B, Xavier R, Seed B, Lindquist JA.
PLoS One
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Mice lacking Dok-1, Dok-2, and Dok-3 succumb to aggressive histiocytic sarcoma.
Authors: Authors: Mashima R, Honda K, Yang Y, Morita Y, Inoue A, Arimura S, Nishina H, Ema H, Nakauchi H, Seed B, Oda H, Yamanashi Y.
Lab Invest
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The transcription factor MafB antagonizes antiviral responses by blocking recruitment of coactivators to the transcription factor IRF3.
Authors: Authors: Kim H, Seed B.
Nat Immunol
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Host-encoded reporters for the detection and purification of multiple enveloped viruses.
Authors: Authors: Ketteler R, Tomov V, Neunkirchner A, Xie Q, Pickl WF, Seed B.
J Virol Methods
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ortho-Substituted C-aryl glucosides as highly potent and selective renal sodium-dependent glucose co-transporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors.
Authors: Authors: Xu B, Feng Y, Lv B, Xu G, Zhang L, Du J, Peng K, Xu M, Dong J, Zhang W, Zhang T, Zhu L, Ding H, Sheng Z, Welihinda A, Seed B, Chen Y.
Bioorg Med Chem
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