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Gary B. Ruvkun, Ph.D.

Professor of Genetics, Harvard Medical School
Department of Molecular Biology, Massachusetts General Hospital
Temporal pattern formation by heterochronic genes.
Authors: Authors: Slack F, Ruvkun G.
Annu Rev Genet
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A bulged lin-4/lin-14 RNA duplex is sufficient for Caenorhabditis elegans lin-14 temporal gradient formation.
Authors: Authors: Ha I, Wightman B, Ruvkun G.
Genes Dev
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A phosphatidylinositol-3-OH kinase family member regulating longevity and diapause in Caenorhabditis elegans.
Authors: Authors: Morris JZ, Tissenbaum HA, Ruvkun G.
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The Caenorhabditis elegans behavioral gene unc-24 encodes a novel bipartite protein similar to both erythrocyte band 7.2 (stomatin) and nonspecific lipid transfer protein.
Authors: Authors: Barnes TM, Jin Y, Horvitz HR, Ruvkun G, Hekimi S.
J Neurochem
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Lineage-specific regulators couple cell lineage asymmetry to the transcription of the Caenorhabditis elegans POU gene unc-86 during neurogenesis.
Authors: Authors: Baumeister R, Liu Y, Ruvkun G.
Genes Dev
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Targeted mutations in the Caenorhabditis elegans POU homeo box gene ceh-18 cause defects in oocyte cell cycle arrest, gonad migration, and epidermal differentiation.
Authors: Authors: Greenstein D, Hird S, Plasterk RH, Andachi Y, Kohara Y, Wang B, Finney M, Ruvkun G.
Genes Dev
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daf-2, daf-16 and daf-23: genetically interacting genes controlling Dauer formation in Caenorhabditis elegans.
Authors: Authors: Gottlieb S, Ruvkun G.
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Posttranscriptional regulation of the heterochronic gene lin-14 by lin-4 mediates temporal pattern formation in C. elegans.
Authors: Authors: Wightman B, Ha I, Ruvkun G.
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The Caenorhabditis elegans homeobox gene cluster.
Authors: Authors: Bürglin TR, Ruvkun G.
Curr Opin Genet Dev
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Cell signalling. A molecular growth industry.
Authors: Authors: Ruvkun G.
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