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Gary B. Ruvkun, Ph.D.

Professor of Genetics, Harvard Medical School
Department of Molecular Biology, Massachusetts General Hospital
An image analysis toolbox for high-throughput C. elegans assays.
Authors: Authors: Wählby C, Kamentsky L, Liu ZH, Riklin-Raviv T, Conery AL, O'Rourke EJ, Sokolnicki KL, Visvikis O, Ljosa V, Irazoqui JE, Golland P, Ruvkun G, Ausubel FM, Carpenter AE.
Nat Methods
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Inactivation of conserved C. elegans genes engages pathogen- and xenobiotic-associated defenses.
Authors: Authors: Melo JA, Ruvkun G.
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The mevalonate pathway regulates microRNA activity in Caenorhabditis elegans.
Authors: Authors: Shi Z, Ruvkun G.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
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PIWI associated siRNAs and piRNAs specifically require the Caenorhabditis elegans HEN1 ortholog henn-1.
Authors: Authors: Montgomery TA, Rim YS, Zhang C, Dowen RH, Phillips CM, Fischer SE, Ruvkun G.
PLoS Genet
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Prediction of C. elegans longevity genes by human and worm longevity networks.
Authors: Authors: Tacutu R, Shore DE, Budovsky A, de Magalhães JP, Ruvkun G, Fraifeld VE, Curran SP.
PLoS One
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Repression of germline RNAi pathways in somatic cells by retinoblastoma pathway chromatin complexes.
Authors: Authors: Wu X, Shi Z, Cui M, Han M, Ruvkun G.
PLoS Genet
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Induction of cytoprotective pathways is central to the extension of lifespan conferred by multiple longevity pathways.
Authors: Authors: Shore DE, Carr CE, Ruvkun G.
PLoS Genet
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Regulation of the C. elegans molt by pqn-47.
Authors: Authors: Russel S, Frand AR, Ruvkun G.
Dev Biol
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The ERI-6/7 helicase acts at the first stage of an siRNA amplification pathway that targets recent gene duplications.
Authors: Authors: Fischer SE, Montgomery TA, Zhang C, Fahlgren N, Breen PC, Hwang A, Sullivan CM, Carrington JC, Ruvkun G.
PLoS Genet
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The Caenorhabditis elegans SOMI-1 zinc finger protein and SWI/SNF promote regulation of development by the mir-84 microRNA.
Authors: Authors: Hayes GD, Riedel CG, Ruvkun G.
Genes Dev
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