Jeannie T. Lee, M.D., Ph.D.
Phillip A. Sharp Chair in Molecular Biology, Massachusetts General Hospital
Vice Chair of the Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School
Professor of Genetics and Pathology, Harvard Medical School
X-chromosome inactivation and epigenetic fluidity in human embryonic stem cells.
Authors: Authors: Silva SS, Rowntree RK, Mekhoubad S, Lee JT.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
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X chromosome dosage compensation: how mammals keep the balance.
Dosage compensation in the mouse balances up-regulation and silencing of X-linked genes.
Authors: Authors: Lin H, Gupta V, Vermilyea MD, Falciani F, Lee JT, O'Neill LP, Turner BM.
PLoS Biol
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PLoS Biol
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Evidence that homologous X-chromosome pairing requires transcription and Ctcf protein.
Sex chromosome silencing in the marsupial male germ line.
Authors: Authors: Namekawa SH, VandeBerg JL, McCarrey JR, Lee JT.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
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Perinucleolar targeting of the inactive X during S phase: evidence for a role in the maintenance of silencing.
Genome of the marsupial Monodelphis domestica reveals innovation in non-coding sequences.
Authors: Authors: Mikkelsen TS, Wakefield MJ, Aken B, Amemiya CT, Chang JL, Duke S, Garber M, Gentles AJ, Goodstadt L, Heger A, Jurka J, Kamal M, Mauceli E, Searle SM, Sharpe T, Baker ML, Batzer MA, Benos PV, Belov K, Clamp M, Cook A, Cuff J, Das R, Davidow L, Deakin JE, Fazzari MJ, Glass JL, Grabherr M, Greally JM, Gu W, Hore TA, Huttley GA, Kleber M, Jirtle RL, Koina E, Lee JT, Mahony S, Marra MA, Miller RD, Nicholls RD, Oda M, Papenfuss AT, Parra ZE, Pollock DD, Ray DA, Schein JE, Speed TP, Thompson K, VandeBerg JL, Wade CM, Walker JA, Waters PD, Webber C, Weidman JR, Xie X, Zody MC, Graves JA, Ponting CP, Breen M, Samollow PB, Lander ES, Lindblad-Toh K.
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A mammal-specific Doublesex homolog associates with male sex chromatin and is required for male meiosis.
Authors: Authors: Kim S, Namekawa SH, Niswander LM, Ward JO, Lee JT, Bardwell VJ, Zarkower D.
PLoS Genet
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PLoS Genet
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Identification of a Ctcf cofactor, Yy1, for the X chromosome binary switch.
The DXPas34 repeat regulates random and imprinted X inactivation.
Authors: Authors: Cohen DE, Davidow LS, Erwin JA, Xu N, Warshawsky D, Lee JT.
Dev Cell
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Dev Cell
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