Jeannie T. Lee, M.D., Ph.D.
Phillip A. Sharp Chair in Molecular Biology, Massachusetts General Hospital
Vice Chair of the Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School
Professor of Genetics and Pathology, Harvard Medical School
Xist imprinting is promoted by the hemizygous (unpaired) state in the male germ line.
Authors: Authors: Sun S, Payer B, Namekawa S, An JY, Press W, Catalan-Dibene J, Sunwoo H, Lee JT.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
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The Xist RNA-PRC2 complex at 20-nm resolution reveals a low Xist stoichiometry and suggests a hit-and-run mechanism in mouse cells.
Chromosomes. A comprehensive Xist interactome reveals cohesin repulsion and an RNA-directed chromosome conformation.
Authors: Authors: Minajigi A, Froberg J, Wei C, Sunwoo H, Kesner B, Colognori D, Lessing D, Payer B, Boukhali M, Haas W, Lee JT.
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Allelic Imbalance Is a Prevalent and Tissue-Specific Feature of the Mouse Transcriptome.
Authors: Authors: Pinter SF, Colognori D, Beliveau BJ, Sadreyev RI, Payer B, Yildirim E, Wu CT, Lee JT.
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Functional Proteomic Analysis of Repressive Histone Methyltransferase Complexes Reveals ZNF518B as a G9A Regulator.
Authors: Authors: Maier VK, Feeney CM, Taylor JE, Creech AL, Qiao JW, Szanto A, Das PP, Chevrier N, Cifuentes-Rojas C, Orkin SH, Carr SA, Jaffe JD, Mertins P, Lee JT.
Mol Cell Proteomics
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Mol Cell Proteomics
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Single-molecule super-resolution imaging of chromosomes and in situ haplotype visualization using Oligopaint FISH probes.
Authors: Authors: Beliveau BJ, Boettiger AN, Avendaño MS, Jungmann R, McCole RB, Joyce EF, Kim-Kiselak C, Bantignies F, Fonseka CY, Erceg J, Hannan MA, Hoang HG, Colognori D, Lee JT, Shih WM, Yin P, Zhuang X, Wu CT.
Nat Commun
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Nat Commun
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Practical murine hematopathology: a comparative review and implications for research.
Authors: Authors: O'Connell KE, Mikkola AM, Stepanek AM, Vernet A, Hall CD, Sun CC, Yildirim E, Staropoli JF, Lee JT, Brown DE.
Comp Med
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Comp Med
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Locus-specific targeting to the X chromosome revealed by the RNA interactome of CTCF.
Authors: Authors: Kung JT, Kesner B, An JY, Ahn JY, Cifuentes-Rojas C, Colognori D, Jeon Y, Szanto A, del Rosario BC, Pinter SF, Erwin JA, Lee JT.
Mol Cell
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Mol Cell
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Building the Connectivity Map of epigenetics: chromatin profiling by quantitative targeted mass spectrometry.
Authors: Authors: Creech AL, Taylor JE, Maier VK, Wu X, Feeney CM, Udeshi ND, Peach SE, Boehm JS, Lee JT, Carr SA, Jaffe JD.
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ATRX directs binding of PRC2 to Xist RNA and Polycomb targets.
Authors: Authors: Sarma K, Cifuentes-Rojas C, Ergun A, Del Rosario A, Jeon Y, White F, Sadreyev R, Lee JT.
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