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Jonathan G. Seidman, Ph.D.

Henrietta B. and Frederick H. Bugher Foundation Professor of Genetics
Increased endothelial sclerostin caused by elevated DSCAM mediates multiple trisomy 21 phenotypes.
Authors: Authors: McKean DM, Zhang Q, Narayan P, Morton SU, Strohmenger V, Tang VT, McAllister S, Sharma A, Quiat D, Reichart D, DeLaughter DM, Wakimoto H, Gorham JM, Brown K, McDonough B, Willcox JA, Jang MY, DePalma SR, Ward T, Kim R, Cleveland JD, Seidman JG, Seidman CE.
J Clin Invest
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Endocardial primary cilia and blood flow are required for regulation of EndoMT during endocardial cushion development.
Authors: Authors: Berg K, Gorham J, Lundt F, Seidman J, Brueckner M.
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Genome Sequencing is Critical for Forecasting Outcomes following Congenital Cardiac Surgery.
Authors: Authors: Watkins WS, Hernandez EJ, Miller TA, Blue NR, Zimmerman R, Griffiths ER, Frise E, Bernstein D, Boskovski MT, Brueckner M, Chung WK, Gaynor JW, Gelb BD, Goldmuntz E, Gruber PJ, Newburger JW, Roberts AE, Morton SU, Mayer JE, Seidman CE, Seidman JG, Shen Y, Wagner M, Yost HJ, Yandell M, Tristani-Firouzi M.
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CHD4 and SMYD1 repress common transcriptional programs in the developing heart.
Authors: Authors: Shi W, Wasson LK, Dorr KM, Robbe ZL, Wilczewski CM, Hepperla AJ, Davis IJ, Seidman CE, Seidman JG, Conlon FL.
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An engineered human cardiac tissue model reveals contributions of systemic lupus erythematosus autoantibodies to myocardial injury.
Authors: Authors: Fleischer S, Nash TR, Tamargo MA, Lock RI, Venturini G, Morsink M, Li V, Lamberti MJ, Graney PL, Liberman M, Kim Y, Zhuang RZ, Whitehead J, Friedman RA, Soni RK, Seidman JG, Seidman CE, Geraldino-Pardilla L, Winchester R, Vunjak-Novakovic G.
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Functional dissection of human cardiac enhancers and noncoding de novo variants in congenital heart disease.
Authors: Authors: Xiao F, Zhang X, Morton SU, Kim SW, Fan Y, Gorham JM, Zhang H, Berkson PJ, Mazumdar N, Cao Y, Chen J, Hagen J, Liu X, Zhou P, Richter F, Shen Y, Ward T, Gelb BD, Seidman JG, Seidman CE, Pu WT.
Nat Genet
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Molecular and Spatial Signatures of Mouse Embryonic Endothelial Cells at Single-Cell Resolution.
Authors: Authors: Chen J, Zhang X, DeLaughter DM, Trembley MA, Saifee S, Xiao F, Chen J, Zhou P, Seidman CE, Seidman JG, Pu WT.
Circ Res
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Loss of epigenetic information as a cause of mammalian aging.
Authors: Authors: Yang JH, Hayano M, Griffin PT, Amorim JA, Bonkowski MS, Apostolides JK, Salfati EL, Blanchette M, Munding EM, Bhakta M, Chew YC, Guo W, Yang X, Maybury-Lewis S, Tian X, Ross JM, Coppotelli G, Meer MV, Rogers-Hammond R, Vera DL, Lu YR, Pippin JW, Creswell ML, Dou Z, Xu C, Mitchell SJ, Das A, O'Connell BL, Thakur S, Kane AE, Su Q, Mohri Y, Nishimura EK, Schaevitz L, Garg N, Balta AM, Rego MA, Gregory-Ksander M, Jakobs TC, Zhong L, Wakimoto H, El Andari J, Grimm D, Mostoslavsky R, Wagers AJ, Tsubota K, Bonasera SJ, Palmeira CM, Seidman JG, Seidman CE, Wolf NS, Kreiling JA, Sedivy JM, Murphy GF, Green RE, Garcia BA, Berger SL, Oberdoerffer P, Shankland SJ, Gladyshev VN, Ksander BR, Pfenning AR, Rajman LA, Sinclair DA.
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The BMAL1/HIF2A heterodimer modulates circadian variations of myocardial injury.
Authors: Authors: Ruan W, Li T, Lee J, Bang IH, Deng W, Ma X, Yoo SH, Kim B, Li J, Yuan X, An YA, Wang YY, Liang Y, Deberge M, Zhang D, Zhou Z, Wang Y, Gorham J, Seidman JG, Seidman CE, Aranki SF, Nair R, Li L, Narula J, Zhao Z, Abebe AG, Muehlschlegel JD, Tsai KL, Eltzschig HK.
Res Sq
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Direct reprogramming of non-limb fibroblasts to cells with properties of limb progenitors.
Authors: Authors: Atsuta Y, Lee C, Rodrigues AR, Colle C, Tomizawa RR, Lujan EG, Tschopp P, Galan L, Zhu M, Gorham JM, Vannier JP, Seidman CE, Seidman JG, Ros MA, Pourquié O, Tabin CJ.
Dev Cell
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