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Jonathan G. Seidman, Ph.D.

Henrietta B. and Frederick H. Bugher Foundation Professor of Genetics, Harvard Medical School
A Novel Role for CSRP1 in a Lebanese Family with Congenital Cardiac Defects.
Authors: Authors: Kamar A, Fahed AC, Shibbani K, El-Hachem N, Bou-Slaiman S, Arabi M, Kurban M, Seidman JG, Seidman CE, Haidar R, Baydoun E, Nemer G, Bitar F.
Front Genet
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Clinical and Mechanistic Insights Into the Genetics of Cardiomyopathy.
Authors: Authors: Burke MA, Cook SA, Seidman JG, Seidman CE.
J Am Coll Cardiol
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Integrative Analysis of PRKAG2 Cardiomyopathy iPS and Microtissue Models Identifies AMPK as a Regulator of Metabolism, Survival, and Fibrosis.
Authors: Authors: Hinson JT, Chopra A, Lowe A, Sheng CC, Gupta RM, Kuppusamy R, O'Sullivan J, Rowe G, Wakimoto H, Gorham J, Burke MA, Zhang K, Musunuru K, Gerszten RE, Wu SM, Chen CS, Seidman JG, Seidman CE.
Cell Rep
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Preparation of rAAV9 to Overexpress or Knockdown Genes in Mouse Hearts.
Authors: Authors: Ding J, Lin ZQ, Jiang JM, Seidman CE, Seidman JG, Pu WT, Wang DZ.
J Vis Exp
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Allele-specific expression in the human heart and its application to postoperative atrial fibrillation and myocardial ischemia.
Authors: Authors: Sigurdsson MI, Saddic L, Heydarpour M, Chang TW, Shekar P, Aranki S, Couper GS, Shernan SK, Seidman JG, Body SC, Muehlschlegel JD.
Genome Med
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THSD1 (Thrombospondin Type 1 Domain Containing Protein 1) Mutation in the Pathogenesis of Intracranial Aneurysm and Subarachnoid Hemorrhage.
Authors: Authors: Santiago-Sim T, Fang X, Hennessy ML, Nalbach SV, DePalma SR, Lee MS, Greenway SC, McDonough B, Hergenroeder GW, Patek KJ, Colosimo SM, Qualmann KJ, Hagan JP, Milewicz DM, MacRae CA, Dymecki SM, Seidman CE, Seidman JG, Kim DH.
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Single-Cell Resolution of Temporal Gene Expression during Heart Development.
Authors: Authors: DeLaughter DM, Bick AG, Wakimoto H, McKean D, Gorham JM, Kathiriya IS, Hinson JT, Homsy J, Gray J, Pu W, Bruneau BG, Seidman JG, Seidman CE.
Dev Cell
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Aggregate penetrance of genomic variants for actionable disorders in European and African Americans.
Authors: Authors: Natarajan P, Gold NB, Bick AG, McLaughlin H, Kraft P, Rehm HL, Peloso GM, Wilson JG, Correa A, Seidman JG, Seidman CE, Kathiresan S, Green RC.
Sci Transl Med
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Fulminant Myocarditis with Combination Immune Checkpoint Blockade.
Authors: Authors: Johnson DB, Balko JM, Compton ML, Chalkias S, Gorham J, Xu Y, Hicks M, Puzanov I, Alexander MR, Bloomer TL, Becker JR, Slosky DA, Phillips EJ, Pilkinton MA, Craig-Owens L, Kola N, Plautz G, Reshef DS, Deutsch JS, Deering RP, Olenchock BA, Lichtman AH, Roden DM, Seidman CE, Koralnik IJ, Seidman JG, Hoffman RD, Taube JM, Diaz LA, Anders RA, Sosman JA, Moslehi JJ.
N Engl J Med
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RNA expression profile of calcified bicuspid, tricuspid, and normal human aortic valves by RNA sequencing.
Authors: Authors: Guauque-Olarte S, Droit A, Tremblay-Marchand J, Gaudreault N, Kalavrouziotis D, Dagenais F, Seidman JG, Body SC, Pibarot P, Mathieu P, Bossé Y.
Physiol Genomics
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