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Jonathan G. Seidman, Ph.D.

Henrietta B. and Frederick H. Bugher Foundation Professor of Genetics, Harvard Medical School
Dissection of chromosome 18 blood pressure and salt-sensitivity quantitative trait loci in the spontaneously hypertensive rat.
Authors: Authors: Johnson MD, He L, Herman D, Wakimoto H, Wallace CA, Zidek V, Mlejnek P, Musilova A, Simakova M, Vorlicek J, Kren V, Viklicky O, Qi NR, Wang J, Seidman CE, Seidman J, Kurtz TW, Aitman TJ, Pravenec M.
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Locus for familial migrainous vertigo disease maps to chromosome 5q35.
Authors: Authors: Bahmad F, DePalma SR, Merchant SN, Bezerra RL, Oliveira CA, Seidman CE, Seidman JG.
Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol
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De novo copy number variants identify new genes and loci in isolated sporadic tetralogy of Fallot.
Authors: Authors: Greenway SC, Pereira AC, Lin JC, DePalma SR, Israel SJ, Mesquita SM, Ergul E, Conta JH, Korn JM, McCarroll SA, Gorham JM, Gabriel S, Altshuler DM, Quintanilla-Dieck Mde L, Artunduaga MA, Eavey RD, Plenge RM, Shadick NA, Weinblatt ME, De Jager PL, Hafler DA, Breitbart RE, Seidman JG, Seidman CE.
Nat Genet
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Filter-based hybridization capture of subgenomes enables resequencing and copy-number detection.
Authors: Authors: Herman DS, Hovingh GK, Iartchouk O, Rehm HL, Kucherlapati R, Seidman JG, Seidman CE.
Nat Methods
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Sequencing of TGF-beta pathway genes in familial cases of intracranial aneurysm.
Authors: Authors: Santiago-Sim T, Mathew-Joseph S, Pannu H, Milewicz DM, Seidman CE, Seidman JG, Kim DH.
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Cardiac myosin binding protein-C is essential for thick-filament stability and flexural rigidity.
Authors: Authors: Nyland LR, Palmer BM, Chen Z, Maughan DW, Seidman CE, Seidman JG, Kreplak L, Vigoreaux JO.
Biophys J
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Natriuretic peptide system gene variants are associated with ventricular dysfunction after coronary artery bypass grafting.
Authors: Authors: Fox AA, Collard CD, Shernan SK, Seidman CE, Seidman JG, Liu KY, Muehlschlegel JD, Perry TE, Aranki SF, Lange C, Herman DS, Meitinger T, Lichtner P, Body SC.
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Clinical outcome and phenotypic expression in LAMP2 cardiomyopathy.
Authors: Authors: Maron BJ, Roberts WC, Arad M, Haas TS, Spirito P, Wright GB, Almquist AK, Baffa JM, Saul JP, Ho CY, Seidman J, Seidman CE.
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Pheochromocytoma-induced cardiomyopathy is modulated by the synergistic effects of cell-secreted factors.
Authors: Authors: Mobine HR, Baker AB, Wang L, Wakimoto H, Jacobsen KC, Seidman CE, Seidman JG, Edelman ER.
Circ Heart Fail
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Genomewide linkage in a large Caucasian family maps a new locus for intracranial aneurysms to chromosome 13q.
Authors: Authors: Santiago-Sim T, Depalma SR, Ju KL, McDonough B, Seidman CE, Seidman JG, Kim DH.
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