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Luke H Chao, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Genetics, Harvard Medical School
In vivo Treatment of a Severe Vascular Disease via a Bespoke CRISPR-Cas9 Base Editor.
Authors: Authors: Alves CRR, Das S, Krishnan V, Ha LL, Fox LR, Stutzman HE, Shamber CE, Kalailingam P, McCarthy S, Cardenas CLL, Fong CE, Imai T, Mitra S, Yun S, Wood RK, Benning FMC, Lawton J, Kim N, Silverstein RA, Ferreira da Silva J, de la Cruz D, Richa R, Malhotra R, Chung DY, Chao LH, Tsai SQ, Maguire CA, Lindsay ME, Kleinstiver BP, Musolino PL.
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Stress-mediated growth determines E. coli division site morphogenesis.
Authors: Authors: Pelech P, Navarro PP, Vettiger A, Chao LH, Allolio C.
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Identification of SLC25A46 interaction interfaces with mitochondrial membrane fusogens Opa1 and Mfn2.
Authors: Authors: Boopathy S, Luce BE, Lugo CM, Hakim P, McDonald J, Kim HL, Ponce J, Ueberheide BM, Chao LH.
J Biol Chem
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Prominin 1 and Tweety Homology 1 both induce extracellular vesicle formation.
Authors: Authors: Bell TA, Luce BE, Hakim P, Ananda VY, Dardari H, Nguyen TH, Monshizadeh A, Chao LH.
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Click editing enables programmable genome writing using DNA polymerases and HUH endonucleases.
Authors: Authors: Ferreira da Silva J, Tou CJ, King EM, Eller ML, Rufino-Ramos D, Ma L, Cromwell CR, Metovic J, Benning FMC, Chao LH, Eichler FS, Kleinstiver BP.
Nat Biotechnol
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Ancestral sequence reconstruction of Mic60 reveals a residue signature supporting respiration in yeast.
Authors: Authors: Benning FMC, Bell TA, Nguyen TH, Syau D, Connell LB, daCosta CJB, Chao LH.
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In situ architecture of Opa1-dependent mitochondrial cristae remodeling.
Authors: Authors: Fry MY, Navarro PP, Hakim P, Ananda VY, Qin X, Landoni JC, Rath S, Inde Z, Lugo CM, Luce BE, Ge Y, McDonald JL, Ali I, Ha LL, Kleinstiver BP, Chan DC, Sarosiek KA, Chao LH.
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Helical reconstruction of VP39 reveals principles for baculovirus nucleocapsid assembly.
Authors: Authors: Benning FMC, Jenni S, Garcia CY, Nguyen TH, Zhang X, Chao LH.
Nat Commun
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Identification of SLC25A46 interaction interfaces with mitochondrial membrane fusogens Mfn2 and Opa1.
Authors: Authors: Boopathy S, Lugo CM, Luce BE, McDonald JL, Hakim P, Ponce J, Ueberheide B, Chao LH.
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Cholesterol regulates plasma membrane bending by prominin-family proteins.
Authors: Authors: Bell TA, Luce BE, Hakim P, Dardari H, Ananda VY, Nguyen TH, Monshizadeh A, Chao LH.
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