Playing Hide-and-Seek with Yeast.
Mapping transcription factor interactome networks using HaloTag protein arrays.
Authors: Authors: Yazaki J, Galli M, Kim AY, Nito K, Aleman F, Chang KN, Carvunis AR, Quan R, Nguyen H, Song L, Alvarez JM, Huang SS, Chen H, Ramachandran N, Altmann S, Gutiérrez RA, Hill DE, Schroeder JI, Chory J, LaBaer J, Vidal M, Braun P, Ecker JR.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
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The transcription factor ERG recruits CCR4-NOT to control mRNA decay and mitotic progression.
Authors: Authors: Rambout X, Detiffe C, Bruyr J, Mariavelle E, Cherkaoui M, Brohée S, Demoitié P, Lebrun M, Soin R, Lesage B, Guedri K, Beullens M, Bollen M, Farazi TA, Kettmann R, Struman I, Hill DE, Vidal M, Kruys V, Simonis N, Twizere JC, Dequiedt F.
Nat Struct Mol Biol
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Nat Struct Mol Biol
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How much of the human protein interactome remains to be mapped?
An extended set of yeast-based functional assays accurately identifies human disease mutations.
Authors: Authors: Sun S, Yang F, Tan G, Costanzo M, Oughtred R, Hirschman J, Theesfeld CL, Bansal P, Sahni N, Yi S, Yu A, Tyagi T, Tie C, Hill DE, Vidal M, Andrews BJ, Boone C, Dolinski K, Roth FP.
Genome Res
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Genome Res
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Pooled-matrix protein interaction screens using Barcode Fusion Genetics.
Authors: Authors: Yachie N, Petsalaki E, Mellor JC, Weile J, Jacob Y, Verby M, Ozturk SB, Li S, Cote AG, Mosca R, Knapp JJ, Ko M, Yu A, Gebbia M, Sahni N, Yi S, Tyagi T, Sheykhkarimli D, Roth JF, Wong C, Musa L, Snider J, Liu YC, Yu H, Braun P, Stagljar I, Hao T, Calderwood MA, Pelletier L, Aloy P, Hill DE, Vidal M, Roth FP.
Mol Syst Biol
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Mol Syst Biol
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An inter-species protein-protein interaction network across vast evolutionary distance.
Authors: Authors: Zhong Q, Pevzner SJ, Hao T, Wang Y, Mosca R, Menche J, Taipale M, Tasan M, Fan C, Yang X, Haley P, Murray RR, Mer F, Gebreab F, Tam S, MacWilliams A, Dricot A, Reichert P, Santhanam B, Ghamsari L, Calderwood MA, Rolland T, Charloteaux B, Lindquist S, Barabási AL, Hill DE, Aloy P, Cusick ME, Xia Y, Roth FP, Vidal M.
Mol Syst Biol
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Mol Syst Biol
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Survey of variation in human transcription factors reveals prevalent DNA binding changes.
Authors: Authors: Barrera LA, Vedenko A, Kurland JV, Rogers JM, Gisselbrecht SS, Rossin EJ, Woodard J, Mariani L, Kock KH, Inukai S, Siggers T, Shokri L, Gordân R, Sahni N, Cotsapas C, Hao T, Yi S, Kellis M, Daly MJ, Vidal M, Hill DE, Bulyk ML.
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A Zebrafish Genetic Screen Identifies Neuromedin U as a Regulator of Sleep/Wake States.
Authors: Authors: Chiu CN, Rihel J, Lee DA, Singh C, Mosser EA, Chen S, Sapin V, Pham U, Engle J, Niles BJ, Montz CJ, Chakravarthy S, Zimmerman S, Salehi-Ashtiani K, Vidal M, Schier AF, Prober DA.
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Widespread Expansion of Protein Interaction Capabilities by Alternative Splicing.
Authors: Authors: Yang X, Coulombe-Huntington J, Kang S, Sheynkman GM, Hao T, Richardson A, Sun S, Yang F, Shen YA, Murray RR, Spirohn K, Begg BE, Duran-Frigola M, MacWilliams A, Pevzner SJ, Zhong Q, Trigg SA, Tam S, Ghamsari L, Sahni N, Yi S, Rodriguez MD, Balcha D, Tan G, Costanzo M, Andrews B, Boone C, Zhou XJ, Salehi-Ashtiani K, Charloteaux B, Chen AA, Calderwood MA, Aloy P, Roth FP, Hill DE, Iakoucheva LM, Xia Y, Vidal M.
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