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Matthew L. Warman, M.D.

Professor of Genetics
Facial Infiltrating Lipomatosis Contains Somatic PIK3CA Mutations in Multiple Tissues.
Authors: Authors: Couto JA, Vivero MP, Upton J, Padwa BL, Warman ML, Mulliken JB, Greene AK.
Plast Reconstr Surg
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Mechanistic and therapeutic insights gained from studying rare skeletal diseases.
Authors: Authors: Tosi LL, Warman ML.
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Identification of a Prg4-expressing articular cartilage progenitor cell population in mice.
Authors: Authors: Kozhemyakina E, Zhang M, Ionescu A, Ayturk UM, Ono N, Kobayashi A, Kronenberg H, Warman ML, Lassar AB.
Arthritis Rheumatol
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AKT hyper-phosphorylation associated with PI3K mutations in lymphatic endothelial cells from a patient with lymphatic malformation.
Authors: Authors: Boscolo E, Coma S, Luks VL, Greene AK, Klagsbrun M, Warman ML, Bischoff J.
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Heterozygous mutations in natriuretic peptide receptor-B (NPR2) gene as a cause of short stature.
Authors: Authors: Wang SR, Jacobsen CM, Carmichael H, Edmund AB, Robinson JW, Olney RC, Miller TC, Moon JE, Mericq V, Potter LR, Warman ML, Hirschhorn JN, Dauber A.
Hum Mutat
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Lymphatic and other vascular malformative/overgrowth disorders are caused by somatic mutations in PIK3CA.
Authors: Authors: Luks VL, Kamitaki N, Vivero MP, Uller W, Rab R, Bovée JV, Rialon KL, Guevara CJ, Alomari AI, Greene AK, Fishman SJ, Kozakewich HP, Maclellan RA, Mulliken JB, Rahbar R, Spencer SA, Trenor CC, Upton J, Zurakowski D, Perkins JA, Kirsh A, Bennett JT, Dobyns WB, Kurek KC, Warman ML, McCarroll SA, Murillo R.
J Pediatr
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A somatic MAP3K3 mutation is associated with verrucous venous malformation.
Authors: Authors: Couto JA, Vivero MP, Kozakewich HP, Taghinia AH, Mulliken JB, Warman ML, Greene AK.
Am J Hum Genet
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Missense Mutations in LRP5 Associated with High Bone Mass Protect the Mouse Skeleton from Disuse- and Ovariectomy-Induced Osteopenia.
Authors: Authors: Niziolek PJ, Bullock W, Warman ML, Robling AG.
PLoS One
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Anti-lubricin monoclonal antibodies created using lubricin-knockout mice immunodetect lubricin in several species and in patients with healthy and diseased joints.
Authors: Authors: Ai M, Cui Y, Sy MS, Lee DM, Zhang LX, Larson KM, Kurek KC, Jay GD, Warman ML.
PLoS One
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Reply to Lrp5 regulation of bone mass and gut serotonin synthesis.
Authors: Authors: Cui Y, Niziolek PJ, MacDonald BT, Alenina N, Matthes S, Jacobsen CM, Conlon RA, Brommage R, Powell DR, He X, Bader M, Williams BO, Warman ML, Robling AG.
Nat Med
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